Dialogue Process

In constant dialogue with the people of the region

On both the German and the Czech side, we actively seek and offer dialogue with all stakeholders.

Large, important construction projects such as the new Dresden – Prague line can only be implemented successfully if the citizens are informed transparently about the project steps from the very beginning. By engaging in dialogue at an early stage, we can improve route and project planning and, at best, resolve conflicts together.

Dialogue in Czechia: Exchange with local municipalities to find a route

In the search for a corridor for the new high-speed line, the regions are the most important negotiating partners. Together, we work out requirements for the connection of the regional centres as well as for regional rail and other modes of transport. Representatives of the regions and their communities are actively involved in discussions on the final route of the line. The route is then presented to local authority representatives and the public, who then discuss local connections, the integration of the route into the surrounding landscape, and any necessary protective measures.

Getting the public involved

The Czech state railway company Správa železnic organizes regular meetings with the public along the route of the high-speed line to provide detailed information about the project, its benefits, and possible impacts on the region, as well as answer questions from local residents.

The public can also take part in presentation days on various topics related to the new high-speed line at information centres in Ústí nad Labem and Prague, as well as in events at the mobile information centre VRTmobile.

Správa železnic, státní organizace

How do I get involved?

In the Czech Republic, we are currently in the project preparation phase and the comments of all the institutions, authorities, associations, municipalities, and citizens concerned will be considered when updating the spatial development principles.

If you have any comments on the proposed route or on the technical design of the new high-speed line in your area, please contact your town council or mayor, who are in close contact with Správa železnic and are mainly preparing the plan with representatives of regions and local governments. 

Public Meetings with Deutsche Bahn: a well-established event

Since April 2019, we have held the “Dialogue Forum” approximately every six months. There, we inform residents and interested parties first-hand about the progress of the project and answer their questions face-to-face. We discuss various aspects and challenges of the new Dresden – Prague railway line and find out which issues are important to the region. For each meeting, the presentation and protocol are available on our website.

Watch recordings of information meetingsMinutes and presentations from the dialogue forum

Dialogue forum and working groups: more room for detail

The dialogue forum consists of representatives of the railway administration, municipalities, interest groups, citizens' initiatives, environmental protection authorities, the private sector, and other stakeholders.

In smaller working groups they discuss individual aspects in great detail: For example, the “Heidenau” working group met for detailed explanation of all measures in Heidenau, the “Discovery trail” working group met to discuss potential hiking routes around the new built line, and the “Criteria Catalogue” working group is working intensively on the methodology for comparing the two main route options.

Dialogue with citizens

At regular intervals, DB holds citizens' dialogues, which are open to everyone, these take place in the affected communities on site or online.

Project manager Kay Müller is talking to two people during a dialogue event for Dresden - Prague, all are formally dressed and the mood is positive.
Project manager Kay Müller is talking to two people during a dialogue event, DB AG

Info centres: Dialogue on site

Visit our info centres in Heidenau and Ústí nad Labem. They are open to anyone who wants to learn more about the new Dresden – Prague line.

Well-attended room in the Heidenau information centre, where several visitors interact with each other and with the information material on display.
Heidenau information centre, DB AG

European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “Construction of the new railway line Prague – Dresden”.

The objective of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is to coordinate and support the preparation and implementation of the project for the new railway link between Prague and Dresden. Its members – the Czech Republic, the Free State of Saxony, the district of Saxon Switzerland-Osterzgebirge and the region of Ústí nad Labem – support the project technically, organizationally, and also in communication. This takes place, among other things, in the form of accompanying investigations within the framework of INTERREG projects with the aim of developing in-depth background information (e.g. in geology, investigation of possible traffic impacts, etc.).